Go Beyond Stamps 2022


Size: 5 Sheets/100 Pcs

5 Sheets/100 Pcs
10 Sheets/200 Pcs
15 Sheets/300 Pcs
20 Sheets/400 Pcs
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Go Beyond with famed Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear! Withthis pane of 20 Forever® stamps, the legendary hero blastsbeyond his familiar role as a toy.

Four different stamp designs celebrate the hero who inspiredthe over-confident action figure from the Toy Story films.Thestamps feature Buzz as depicted in Disney and Pixar's 2022film Lightyear.

For a generation, Buzz Lightyear has been known as the coolest action figure in the toybox. The beloved original Toy Story movie(1995) was the first full-length, computer-animated feature fim. The four-film Toy Story series offers storytelling that isgroundbreaking and eye-dazzling, hilarious and full of heart.

In Lightyear (2022), the legendary Space Ranger goes beyond–on an intergalactic adventure–revealing the story that inspired thetoy. Audiences meet the hero himself, gaining fresh appreciation for the classic character. These bold new stamps capture theexcitement!

Art director Greg Breeding, working closely with Pixar Animation Studios, designed the stamps using artwork provided by thestudio.


Item specifics

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